Nomura's Commitment to Infrastructure and Power Finance

August 2019 / Sustainability
Read time: 2 minutesNomura's Commitment to Infrastructure and Power Finance
  • Nomura’s Infrastructure & Power Finance (IPF) team is helping to fund energy and infrastructure projects around the world.

  • With respect to green infrastructure, Nomura has allocated investments supporting over 5 GW of renewable and low-carbon projects across the US, Canada and Mexico in the last year

The Infrastructure and Power Finance (IPF) team is dedicated to providing capital solutions for energy, infrastructure and related assets. Whether these are renewable projects, low-carbon power plants or other critical infrastructure and real assets, Nomura’s commitment to infrastructure finance is a central focus for the firm — not only because it is good for business, but because it creates value for the global community and helps drive solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

With respect to green infrastructure in particular, Nomura has allocated investments supporting over 5 GW of renewable and low-carbon projects across the US, Canada and Mexico in the last year, and has grown to be a trusted leader in the industry. We are looking forward to carrying this momentum to further drive financial and intellectual capital to renewable and other value-creating projects going forward.

“IPF’s superior execution, combined with depth of intellectual and financial capital, has quickly established Nomura as the first call for our clients active in the Infrastructure and Power sector. We look forward to building on this momentum to continue to create value for our clients and Nomura.”

- Vinod Mukani, Head of Infrastructure & Power Finance, Nomura Securities International, Inc.


Vinod Mukani

Vinod Mukani

Head of Infrastructure & Power Business, Nomura Securities International, Inc.

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