ESG360 Outlook 2023: Part 2 - Policy Themes to Watch

December 2022 / Podcast
Read time: 15 minutesESG360 Outlook 2023: Part 2 - Policy Themes to Watch
  • We discuss the key regulatory points to look out for in the International Sustainability Standards Board's climate rules

  • ESG risks and opportunities can't be ignored - a rebalancing of positions has taken place and the thematic will gain momentum in the year ahead as decarbonization remains a top priority

  • Japan's GX framework is a decisive movement for the country's decarbonization policy after it set ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 46% from 2013 levels by 2030

In this episode, we delve into global policy and regulatory themes for the year ahead with Andrew Bowley, Managing Director for Group Sustainability Strategy at Nomura. We examine whether ESG can regain the ground it lost in 2022 after banks threatened to leave key climate groups and asset managers faced pressure from investors and politicians over their primary duty to maximize returns. We also discuss the policy outlook in Japan with Kohei Okazaki, Nomura’s ESG policy expert. We discuss how Japan’s GX (green transformation) league may evolve and whether Japan will make progress on reducing its reliance on coal.


Andrew Bowley

Andrew Bowley

Managing Director, Group Sustainability Strategy

Kohei Okazaki

Kohei Okazaki

Japan Economist

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